The Oak Bay Encyclopedia TM
T . H . E . .. E . A . R . L . Y . .. Y . E . A . R . S

A listing of noteworthy
people, places and things from
Oak Bay's early years


Click on any letter, above, to visit specific section of encyclopedia


Cadboro Bay Road
see Street/Place Names section

Cake Shop, The
2244 Oak Bay Avenue
(19351940 city directories)
2248 Oak Bay Avenue (19411942 phone books)

2244 address is previous location of Shank's Barber Shop
2244 address is subsequent location of Oak Bay Magnet
2248 address is previous location of Oak Bay Furniture Store
2248 address is subsequent location of Mabel Ellis, linens and novelties
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

native wildflower of the lily family with edible, bulbous roots
Because of the importance of this plant in the aboriginal diet, Victoria was called "Camosun" before the arrival of whites. Camas once thrived throughout Oak Bay and is remembered by Camas Lane, a borderline between John Tod's property (Willows Farm) and the Hudson's Bay Company's fur trade reserve (Uplands Farm).

Camas Lane
see Street/Place Names section

Cambridge Super Market
2510 Estevan Avenue
(1962–1970... phone books)

Former location of Super-Valu

Camelia Beauty Salon
1510 Monterey Avenue (19521954 phone books)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Camera Studies Club
2186 Oak Bay Avenue
(19501951 phone books)
This was one of several photography businesses operating out of this space prior to its conversion to a night club — the Club Tango — in 1954.
see Photo Centre (Pacific Coast) Ltd, Victoria Clinical and Color Laboratory, Roye Photography

Formerly the space of Gibson Studios and Hill-Tout Studios
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Campbell's Grocery
947 Monterey Avenue
(19551960 phone books)

Previous location of Potter's Grocery
Subsequent location of McCurrah's Grocery
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Canadian Bank of Commerce
1971 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria
( ...1918–1930 phone books)
2002 Oak Bay Avenue
(19311942 city directories / phone books)
2241 Oak Bay Avenue
(1951–1970... phone books)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cardiff Place
see Street/Place Names section

Cardigan Road
see Street/Place Names section

Carley's Riding Academy
see Victoria Riding Academy

Carnarvon Street
see Street/Place Names section

Carrick Street
see Street/Place Names section

Casanave, Alexis
1845 ?
pioneer Oak Bay dairyman and resident (1875) / signatory on 1906 petition to incorporate Oak Bay as a municipality
Oak Bay Archives
Alexis Casanave and Family
Click on image to view enlargement
An itinerant gold prospector, Alexis Casanave decided to settle in Victoria in 1875 and purchased 10.06 acres of John Tod's property alongside Bowker Creek immediately south of Cadboro Bay Road. He turned to dairy farming — and raising a family of seven children, 3 of whom attended the district's first school in 1885. In his front yard he planted the seed of a Sequoia (Redwood) tree that he brought from California.
Casanave's "Oak Farm" eventually became the schoolgrounds of our Oak Bay Senior and Junior High schools. His house remained on the property, beside the Junior High school, until about 1967 when it was demolished to enlarge the playing fields. His Sequoia tree, however, stands tall today beside the new high school. At its base is a plaque that pays tribute to this pioneer Oak Bay settler.
Casanave's son, Victor, continued to live at the house until it was sold in 1962.1

1 Victor Casanave was shop manager at the Memorial Arena in the 1950s
Click on BIOGRAPHY to learn about Alexis Casanave

Casanave, Victor
son of Alexis Casanave
see Alexis Casanave

Casey, Eric confectioner (...1941–1954 phone books)
713 St Patrick Street
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed
see Lea Glen Dairy confectionery, Casey's Corner

Casey, Pearl confectioner
(1955–1965 phone books)
713 St Patrick Street
Click here to read newspaper article on Pearl Casey's retirement, published in The Daily Colonist, May 22, 1966.
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed
see Lea Glen Dairy confectionery, Casey's Corner

Casey's Grocery
713 St Patrick Street
(1966 phone book)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Casey's Market
713 St Patrick Street
(1967–1970... phone books)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Caspersen's Bakery
1179 Newport Avenue (1956–1957... phone books)
2863 Foul Bay Road (1956–1957... phone books)
1163 Newport Avenue (...1959–1967 phone books)

ad in 1957 phone book
Click on image to view enlargement
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cass, Mrs Charlotte ladies' ready-to-wear
1191 Newport Avenue (19261927 city directories)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cattle Point
see Street/Place Names section

Cavendish Avenue
see Street/Place Names section

Cedar Hill X Road
see Street/Place Names section

Central Avenue
see Street/Place Names section

Central Films
2280-2284-2288 Cadboro Bay Road (1936 city directory)
Film production company established by Kenneth Bishop in 1936 that produced twelve Columbia Pictures films out of Willows Park Studio in Oak Bay from 1936 until 1938.
see Kenneth Bishop, Willows Park Studio

Central Food Market
697 St Patrick Street
(1965–1970... phone books)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Central Stores
697 St Patrick Street
(1947–1964 phone books)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Central Television Specialists
1163 Newport Avenue
(1954 phone book)

Previous location of Newport Tailors & Cleaners
Subsequent location of Lady Elizabeth's Hats
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Chambers, R S chiropractor
1503 Wilmot Place
(19541956 phone books)

Chang's Produce
2296 Cadboro Bay Road
(1954–1962... phone books)
Open Evenings – Bowker Ave & Cadboro Bay Rd
Fine Quality Groceries - Fruits - Vegetables
Cut Flowers - Frozen Foods - School Supplies
2296 Cadboro Bay . . . . . . Phone 4-6312
ad in 1957 phone book
"Harry Chang ran the store, and we often stopped there on the way home from Oak Bay High in the 1950s. It was on the corner of Cadboro Bay Road and Bowker Avenue. It was where we bought all our Halloween fireworks.
The store closed suddenly, although I forget the exact date. However in 1959, I went into a corner store in Edmonton and behind the counter was Harry Chang!"
Terry Murphy, OBHS class of 1958
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Charlesworth Taxi
120 Beach Drive
(...1930–1934... phone books)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Charm Beauty Salon
687 St Patrick Street
(19471950,.19531961 phone books)
677 St Patrick Street
(1962... phone book)
ad in 1947 phone book
Click on image to view enlargement
Called Terry's Charm Beauty Salon, 1951–1952
see Terry's Charm Beaty Salon
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Chas Harrison groceries and meats
2215 Oak Bay Avenue
(19241930 city directories)

Previous location of Harrison Cash Grocery
Subsequent location of Royal Cleaners

Chas Hudson druggist
2008 Oak Bay Avenue
(1925 city directory)
2012 Oak Bay Avenue
(19281945 city directories / phone books)
see Hudson's Drug Store (1926–1927)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Chatham Island
see Street/Place Names section

Chaucer Street
see Street/Place Names section

Oak Bay's first landowners who lived on local beaches from Gonzales Point to Cadboro Bay and beyond
The Che-ko-nein, along with the Chilcowitch, signed the Douglas Treaties of 1850 which ceded Oak Bay to the Hudson's Bay Company for seventy-nine pounds, ten shillings sterling. The Che-ko-nein are now part of the Songhees Band.

Chew's TV & Stereo Centre
2280 Cadboro Bay Road (1969–1970... phone books)

Previous location of Ackerman's Upholstery
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Oak Bay's first landowners who lived on local beaches west of Gonzales Point
The Chilcowitch, along with the Che-ko-nein, signed the Douglas Treaties of 1850 which ceded Oak Bay to the Hudson's Bay Company for thirty pounds sterling. The Chilcowitch are now part of the Songhees Band.

Children's Corner, The
2002 Oak Bay Avenue
(19451951 phone books)
2041 Oak Bay Avenue
(19521954 phone books)
Manufacturers of Custom-Built
"Have It Your Own Way"
2002 Oak Bay . . . . . . Garden-6542
ad in 1947 phone book
"If It's in Wood . . . We Make It"
2041 Oak Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6542
ad in 1954 phone book
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Chiltern Place
see Street/Place Names section

Chinese Cemetery (at Harling Point)
oldest cemetery in Canada built on the principles of Feng Shui
Chinese Cemetery
Built in 1903, the purpose of the cemetery was to collect and house the bones of deceased Chinese from across Canada for seven years before shipping them to China for permanent burial. This practise continued until the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937. The cemetery was closed in 1950. In 1996 it was designated a National Historic Site.

Christie Way
see Street/Place Names section

St. Mary's (Anglican)
St. Philip's
Hampshire Road Methodist Church (Methodist)
Oak Bay United (United)
Our Lady of Lourdes (Catholic)

CJVI Tower Station
Cedar Hill Cross Road
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Clarke, William shoe repairs
2240 Oak Bay Avenue (...1934 city directoriy)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Clarke's Meat Market
1161 Newport Avenue
(19401948 city directories / phone books)
Owned and Operated by T. G. Clarke
Meat - Fish - Poultry - Vegetables
Free Delivery
1161 Newport . . . . . . E mpire-2933
ad in 1941 phone book

Previous location of Penguin Library & Gift Shop
Subsequent location of Newport Meat Market
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Clayton House
The Clayton House, originally built on wood pilings at Oak Bay Beach, was demolished to allow the development of Haynes Park. Mr Clayton worked for John Virtue and was manager of the Mt Baker Hotel boathouse. He continued as manager after the hotel burned down until sometime before 1906.
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Clear, John confectioner
890 Newport Avenue
(19101913 city directories)
1198 Newport Avenue
(19141920 city directories)

Despite two different addresses, this is the same location (albeit a new building) as some Oak Bay street address were adjusted in 1914.

Clear, Mrs J
Newport Ave, cor. Saratoga Ave (1909 Vancouver Island Dirctory)
Clear, Mrs Lena confectioner
"Newport Rd,. cor. Saratoga Ave."
(1909 city directory)
1198 Newport Avenue
(19211922 city directories)
1179 Newport Avenue (19231930 city directories)

It would appear that Mrs Clear began the family confectionery business in 1909. In 1910 John Clear was listed as proprietor until 1920, afterwhich Mrs Clear was again listed as proprietor and relocated to 1179 Newport Avenue in 1923.
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cliff's Cycle
2067 Cadboro Bay Road
(...1964–1967 phone books)

Subsequent address of Bob's Cycle Shop
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cliff's Cycle & Sporting Goods
2067 Cadboro Bay Road
(1957–1962... phone books)
2067 Cadboro Bay . . . . . . . . . . 5-4314
ad in 1957 phone book
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Clive Beauty Salon
677 St Patrick Street (...1964–1970... phone books)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Clive Drive
see Street/Place Names section

Club Tango cabaret
2184 Oak Bay Avenue (1954 phone book)
2186 Oak Bay Avenue (19551965 city directories / phone books)
Private Collection
Club Tango
Private Collection
Click on image to view enlargement
Parties - Wedding Receptions - Anniversaries
Large or Small - Residence 3-2390
2186 Oak Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-0222
ad in 1957 phone book
Club Tango was Oak Bay's hot spot from 1954 until 1965. By 1966 owner Ian Diment relocated the club to 1037 View Street in town
This upstairs space was originlly a lodge hall in 1936 and for many years served as studio facilities for several photography businesses. The space was vacant 1951-1953 and became the Club Tango in 1954.
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Club Tango Cafe
2188 Oak Bay Avenue (1954–1955... city directories)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Coast Fruit Company
2001 Oak Bay Avenue (19411942 phone books)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Coburn, Mrs Selina tobaccos and cigars
Newport Avenue (19051908 city directories)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Coffee Shops
Adrien's Bakery and Coffee Shop
Goblin Coffee Shop
Golden Galleon Cafe
Little Wheel Coffee Shop
Rose Bowl Coffee Bar
Willows Confectionery
Wilmot Coffee Shop

Commandos Strike at Dawn
Academy-Award-nominated film shot in Oak Bay
Movie Poster
Click on image to view enlargement
Filmed at Willows Park Studio on the Willows Fairgrounds in 1942, Commandos Strike at Dawn is one of the earliest American war films produced after the United States entered WWII in 1942. The film tells the story of a small Norwegian fishing village's subjegation to Nazi occupation in the spring of 1940 and its ultimate liberation after Norwegian resistance members reach England to enlist the aid of British commandos.
Exterior locations around Victoria include Heals Rifle Range (German camp), Victoria Airport (Allied airfield) and Saanich Inlet (fishing village in Norwegian fjord). Hall's Boat House (now Goldstream Marina) is where the wharf scenes were shot.
The movie features American film legends Paul Muni and Lillian Gish, British stalwarts Anna Lee and Sir Cedric Hardwick, and newcomers Rod Cameron, Rosemary deCamp and Lloyd Bridges.
Commandos Strike at Dawn was nominated for an Academy Award for its music score.
The world premiere for this international release was celebrated at Victoria's Capitol Theatre on December 17, 1942.
The movie is available on DVD.

"We lived on Newton Street and the derelict [exhibition] buildings were our playgrounds. I recall actors in German army uniforms wandering around the Main building which was the sound stage for the film Commandos Strike at Dawn, a story that took place in Norway. The Malahat and Saanich Inlet were used as a fiord.
I believe a local by the name of Larson had a part in the film as well as his daughter who was a student at Willows school."
Dave Unwin, area resident in the 1940s

"The film Commandos Strike at Dawn hits home with me as my father was in the R.A.F. stationed at Pat Bay. Many Canadian and British airforce personnel took part as extras. He said that the actors were quite friendly, interacting freely with the airforce boys. . . . As you're probably aware. the concrete stairs the commando's utilized to scale the cliff on the Malahat side still stand today, which is incredible."
Allan Scott, resident of Cavendish Avenue in the 1950s

see Willows Park Studio
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Commonwealth Films
Commonwealth Films was Kenneth Bishop's film company that produced The Crimson Paradise in 1933 out of his film studio in Oak Bay. The company went bankrupt in 1935 during the filming of his second film, Secrets of Chinatown. This film was completed by Northern Films, another Kenneth Bishop company.
see Kenneth Bishop, Northern Films, Willows Park Studio
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Community Cab Company
2675 Windsor Road (19381950 city directories)
The Community Cab Company was formed in 1938 by partners Dick Snelgrove and Gordon Craig. They operated out of the Oak Bay Garage property at 2675 Windor Road, sharing the same address.
When Snelgrove left the business in 1950, the company was renamed Newport Taxi by Gordon Craig and his new partner, Harold Attwell.

Gordon Craig was the son of John Craig who, with Dick Snelgrove in 1930, started the original Newport Taxi company that operated just around the corner at 1171 Newport Avenue.
see Oak Bay Garage, Newport Taxi
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

1938 movie produced by film studio in Oak Bay introducing starlet Rita Hayworth
Production Still
Lobby Card
Click on image to view enlargement
see Willows Park Studio
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cookman Street
see Street/Place Names section

Cooper, Chas grocer
469 Monterey Avenue
(19241925 city directories)

Previously a private residence
Subsequent location of Shoal Bay Grocery & Tea Rooms
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cotswold Road
see Street/Place Names section

Cougars, Victoria ice hockey team
Victoria Cougars won 1925 Stanley Cup in Oak Bay arena
Team Jersey
Professional ice hockey started in Victoria in 1912. The first game was played between the Victoria Senators and the New Westminster Royals in Oak Bay's Patrick Arena on January 2, 1912.
This was the first hockey game in Canada played on artificial ice.
The Senators would subsequently be called the Aristocrats and Canaries before being renamed the Cougars for the 1922/23 season. The 1924/25 Victoria Cougars won the Stanley Cup by defeating the Montreal Canadiens in Oak Bay's Patrick Arena.1
The west coast league folded a year later and the Victoria Cougars' franchise was sold to a new NHL franchise in Detroit to become the Detroit Cougars which, by the 1932/33 season, would be called the Detroit Red Wings.

1 This historic event in the Oak Bay arena would be the last time that a non-NHL team would win the Stanley Cup.
see Victoria Senators, Victoria Aristocrats
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

"Country Village"
In its early years of development, Oak Bay remained in the "Country Village" category. In 1921 Council issued an order: "... no further permits are to be issued for the grazing of cattle on municipal streets and all cattle grazing on private land must be securely tethered." At the time, it was not uncommon for a cow to derail a streetcar.

Cranleigh House boys' preparatory school
2184 Cadboro Bay Road
private school for boys
For Boys – Beginners to Matriculation
CV Milton
Phone 4406
ad in 1930 phone book
Cranleigh House1 was a private school for boys established in 1923 by Charles V. Milton in the former Willows Hotel building at Cadboro Bay and Eastdowne Roads.
Milton was previously a teacher at the original Oak Bay High School2 until 1918 when he left to join Kyrle C Symons at St Michael's prep school for boys for one year.3
Cranleigh House School was converted to a four-plex before being demolished in 1968 to make way for the Cranleigh Apartments.

1 Cranleigh School is a renowned English boarding school for boys founded in 1865 in the village of Cranleigh, Surrey.
2 The original Oak Bay High School, at 2165 Oak Bay Avenue (site of current municipal hall) was built in 1912.
3 Symons, Kyrle C.That Amazing School: The Story of St Michael's School, Victoria, B.C., from 1910–1948. pp 33, 36, 47.
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cranleigh Place
see Street/Place Names section

Cranmore Road
see Street/Place Names section

Cranmore (Esso) Service
2151 Cadboro Bay Road
(1949-1970... phone books)
Called Arena Service Station prior to 1949.
Paul Patrick — Miles Platt
Opposite Oak Bay High School
2151 Cadboro Bay at Cranmore . . . E mpire-0441
ad in 1949 phone book
Corner of Cadboro Bay Rd & Cranmore
. . . . . . . . . . .W.M.H. BURLEY
2151 Cadboro Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-0441
ad in 1957 phone book
2151 Cadboro Bay Rd. . . . EV. 5-6311
ad in 1959 OBHS Oak Leaves yearbook
see Arena Service Station
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Crescent Road
see Street/Place Names section

Crestview Road
see Street/Place Names section

Crimson Paradise, The (aka The Fighting Playboy)
Canada's first "talkie" was produced by an Oak Bay film studio in 1933
City of Victoria Archives
World Premiere
City of Victoria Archives
Premiere Entourage
Click on image to view enlargement
The Crimson Paradise was the first of two films produced by entrepeneur Kenneth Bishop from his newly-created film studio in Oak Bay.1
It was billed as "Canada's first talkie."
The world premiere was a gala event at the Capitol Theatre in Victoria on December 14, 1933.
But, after the commercial failure of his two films, The Crimson Paradise and Secrets of Chinatown, Bishop promoted his Oak Bay studio facilities to Columbia Pictures in Hollywood, resulting in their production of twelve "quota quickies" from 1936 through 1938.
Oak Bay, with Bishop's Willows Park Studio, gained the reputation of "Hollywood North" during the 1930s.2

1 Bishop's second film, Secrets of Chinatown, was produced in 1935.
2 In 1942 these Oak Bay studio facilities were used by Columbia Pictures to produce Commandos Strike at Dawn, which was nominated for an Academy Award in 1943.
see Commonwealth Films, Willows Park Studio, Quota Quickies
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cross, Earle contractor
2004 Oak Bay Avenue
(19411943 phone books)
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cross Markets meats
2215 Oak Bay Avenue
(19361943 phone books)
Oak Bay branch of a city company

— ad in 1930 phone book.
Click on image to view enlargement

Previous location of Hampshire Meat Market
Subsequent location of Wright's Meat Market
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Crystal Craft Plastics
2186 Oak Bay Avenue
(1959 phone book)

Concurrent address of Club Tango
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed

Cubban Drive
see Street/Place Names section

Cull, Robert L shoe repairs
2051 Cadboro Bay Road
(19141927 city directories)

Robert L Cull had a shoe repair business at this location for nearly thirty years. In 1928 it was called Willows Electrical Boot Repairing Shop.
Of interest, a William J Cull operated Cull's Willows Confectionery next door at 2053 Cadboro Bay Road.
see Willows Electrical Boot Reparing Shop

Cull's Willows Confectionery
2053 Cadboro Bay Road
(19231952 phone books)

Subsequent location of Willows Confectionery

Currie Road
see Street/Place Names section

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