A listing of noteworthy
people, places and things from
Oak Bay's early years
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M | |||||||||||
MacKenzie TV Service 2271 Bowker Avenue (...1959 phone book) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Maclure, Samuel 18601929 |
Victoria's finest residential architect / early Oak Bay resident / signatory on 1906 petition to incorporate Oak Bay as a municipality | |||||||||||
Artist, landscapist Samuel Maclure was a self-taught architect who built homes that reflected the personality of the owner and the character of the setting. Many of his homes, built over a hundred years ago, are still cherished today. | |||||||||||
Profile under development | |||||||||||
McBratney's Fine Foods 2252 Oak Bay Avenue (19501956 phone books) |
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Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
McCleave, J. Riding School and Saddle Horses Exhibition Grounds (...1918... phone book) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
McCullough, R D grocer 2164 McNeill Avenue (19361937 city directories) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
McCurrah's Grocery 947 Monterey Avenue (1961 phone book) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
McDougall, Dr Douglas W dentist 2225a Oak Bay Avenue (...1956... phone book) |
McDougall, Dr R H dentist 1505 Hampshire Road (19471956... phone books) |
McInnes, J tailor 2009 Oak Bay Avenue (...1934... phone book) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
McLaren Avenue see Street/Place Names section |
McLaren, Chas shoe repairs 1193 Newport Avenue (19231924 city directories) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
McLure's Food Market 2518 Estevan Avenue (19481968 phone books) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
McMicking Point see Street/Place Names section |
McNeill, Captain William Henry 18031875 |
captain of Hudson's Bay Company's steamship "Beaver" / one of Oak Bay's five original landowners | |||||||||||
McNeill Avenue see Street/Place Names section |
McNeill Bay (Shoal Bay) see Street/Place Names section |
McNeill Bay (Shoal Bay) Tea Room |
served ices and teas to McNeill Bay campers
The McNeill Bay Tea Room was built around 1912 to serve ice cream and teas to Victoria families spending summers at their cabins at McNeill Bay. The tea room was situated on Beach Drive on the west side of Anderson Hill. | |||||||||||
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Mabel Ellis linens and novelties 2248 Oak Bay Avenue (1942 city directory) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Magnet Hardware 2072 Cadboro Bay Road (19491970... phone books) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Maison Dudley hairdressing 2001 Oak Bay Avenue (19261936 city directories / phone books) 2192 Oak Bay Avenue (19371964 city directories / phone books) 1528 Monterey (19651970... phone books).
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Manhattan Shakedown |
1937 movie produced by film studio in Oak Bay | |||||||||||
see Willows Park Studio | |||||||||||
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Maquinna Street see Street/Place Names section |
Margate Avenue see Street/Place Names section |
Marine Chalet apartments 2451 Beresford Street (...19301957... phone books) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Marionette Library 2207 Oak Bay Avenue (19421946 city directories) |
An Oak Bay branch of the Marionette Circulating Library was located in the Oak Bay Dry Goods store for five years in the early 1940s. | |||||||||||
see Oak Bay Dry Goods | |||||||||||
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Marne Street see Street/Place Names section |
Marrion Street see Street/Place Names section |
Mary Tod Island see Street/Place Names section |
Mathfair Bakery 2190 Oak Bay Avenue (19511956 phone books) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Mayhew, The Honourable R W 18801971 |
reeve of Oak Bay (19331935) / federal M.P. / Canadian Ambassador to Japan | |||||||||||
Mayors of Oak Bay |
see Reeves of Oak Bay | |||||||||||
Meadow Place see Street/Place Names section |
Mechanical Motor Works 2013 Oak Bay Avenue (19231928 city directories) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Melita Hairdressing Parlors 2006 Oak Bay Avenue (...1934 phone book) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Merchants Bank of Canada, The (Oak Bay Branch) 2201 Oak Bay Avenue (19151921 city directories) |
Oak Bay's second banker | |||||||||||
Oak Bay's building boom from 191012 began to wane in 1913 and by mid-year unemployment was high and Oak Bay faced a financial crisis. The municipality's original banker, The Bank of British North America, refused an additional overdraft which resulted in the stoppage of public work projects causing further unemployment. The Merchants Bank of Canada came to the rescue and, in 1915, established a branch office in Oak Bay at 2201 Oak Bay Avenue. | |||||||||||
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Merryfield & Dack Drug Stores 2001 Oak Bay Avenue (1913 city directory) 1905 Foul Bay Road (...1918 phone book) 2001 Oak Bay Avenue (19191924 city directories) |
Oak Bay's first drug store | |||||||||||
The Victoria pharmaceutical company Merryfield and Dack had several retail outlets: James Bay Pharmacy, Junction Pharmacy, Oak Bay Pharmacy and Star Pharmacy, the latter two located in Oak Bay. Proprietors for all stores were Garnet Merryfield and Howard Dack. | |||||||||||
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Middowne Road see Street/Place Names section |
Midland Circle |
see Street/Place Names section | |||||||||||
Midland Road see Street/Place Names section |
Midway, the |
popular attraction at the annual Willows Fair | |||||||||||
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see Willows Fair | |||||||||||
Miles' Grocery 537 Victoria Avenue |
Miles' Grocery was a small, family-run enterprise on Victoria Avenue that served south Oak Bay from the early 1920s through the 1950s. It was established to provide employment for a disabled Great War veteran, and continued for nearly four decades with the support of several generations of the Miles family. They made their own breads and buns, and had a large vegetable garden that supplied even the downtown market. But with changing times, they began selling their land through the 1950s, and closed shop by the end of the decade as supermarkets began asserting their influence. | |||||||||||
Click on MEMORABILIA to view or contribute recollections, photographs and artifacts of Miles' Grocery | |||||||||||
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Milton Street see Street/Place Names section |
Miss Ellanie's gift shop 2041 Oak Bay Avenue (19551956 phone books) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Mitchell Street see Street/Place Names section |
Monteith Street see Street/Place Names section |
Monterey Avenue see Street/Place Names section |
Monterey Barber Shop 2242 Oak Bay Avenue (19401967) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Monterey Grocery 947 Monterey Avenue (...1969... city directory) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Monterey Market 2251 Oak Bay Avenue (...19301970... phone books) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Monterey School Profile under development |
Monterey Store 947 Monterey Avenue (19271935 city directories) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Morgan's Grocery 1175 Newport Avenue (19441970... phone books) |
Formerly known as Borrowman's Grocery Store and Tapley's Grocery, this small, family-run enterprise served the Windsor Park area for many decades. Ted and Noria Southwell purchased the business in 1957 and were the proprietors until the building was demolished in the late 1980s.
Click on MEMORABILIA to view or contribute recollections, photographs and artifacts of Morgan's Grocery | |||||||||||
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Morley's Confectionery 2284 Cadboro Bay Road (19411945 city directories) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Mount Baker Hotel 18931902
Mount Joy Frederick Pemberton's picturesque estate |
Mount Joy Avenue see Street/Place Names section |
Mountain View Lodge (Old Men's Home) 2251 Cadboro Bay Road |
see Old Men's Home | |||||||||||
Mow, Lee Farm Cadboro Bay Road (...1918... phone book) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Municipal Golf Club |
former name of Uplands Golf Club before 1922. | |||||||||||
see Uplands Golf Club | |||||||||||
Municipal Hall 2200 Oak Bay Avenue |
see Oak Bay Municipal Hall | |||||||||||
Munro's Bakery 1179 Newport Avenue (19491955 city directories / phone books) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Murder is News |
1937 movie produced by film studio in Oak Bay | |||||||||||
see Willows Park Studio | |||||||||||
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed | |||||||||||
Musgrave Street see Street/Place Names section |
Music Box HiFi-TV 2248 Oak Bay Avenue (19611969 phone books) |
Photos, artifacts and recollections welcomed |
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