Welcome to Stan Foogle's website!

Stan Foogle is a comic strip character I created many decades ago,
when was fifteen. I think it's about time to introduce Stan to the world.
Stan started life as a superhero in the 1950s but, over the decades, has
evolved into a cybershoveller. But this will take some explaining.
I'm currently in the process of scanning Stan's old comic strips into the computer
and preparing his publication debut — The World of STAN FOOGLE

In the meantime, I've prepared two free downloads:
a STAN FOOGLE primer and a Preview look at Stan's upcoming book.
This Preview includes the Preface, Introduction (that reveals Stan's moment
of creation and describes his journey from superhero to
) and a few sample comic strips.

— Gary Wilcox

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Cybershoveller is a trademark of Gary Wilcox Studios Incorporated.