A & W
a favourite pit stop when out cruising in the 1960s
Janice Mason photo
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A & W
1921 Oak Bay Avenue |
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There were two A&W locations in Victoria: one at 3335 Douglas Street and the other at 1921 Oak Bay Avenue. |
The Oak Bay Avenue location opened in 1961 (a year after the Douglas Street location) and, although not quite in Oak Bay, immediately became the social centre for Oak Bay students out cruising on Friday and Saturday evenings. It was the place to be seen. |
We're grateful to Janice Mason for the image above and for the A&W coupon, below. Janice lived across the street from the A&W on Oak Bay Avenue during the 1960s and personally took the above image. And thanks to her detective work on the VicMaps website she has discovered some additional A&W images, below. |
VicMap image submitted courtesy Janice Mason
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A & W
The drive-in extended from Redfern Street entrance (foreground) to Davie Street exit |
VicMap image submitted courtesy Janice Mason
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Davie Street Exit
VicMap image submitted courtesy Janice Mason
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Redfern Street
Do you have any photos of the A&W?
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courtesy Janice Mason
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Free Root Beer Coupon
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Recollections may be abridged for length and/or clarity
I remember dropping in at the A&W on Douglas with a carload of teammates after Oak Bay High rugby games in the spring of 1960. We certainly would have celebrated our victories at an A&W on Oak Bay Avenue if one had existed at this location in 1960. The Oak Bay Avenue location opened in 1961. |
Gary Wilcox, OBHS class of 1960. |
How many times did I drive into that Oak Bay A&W for a "small orange and a baby burger"? It was usually all I could afford on my measly allowance. Someone usually ordered a "Swamp Water" or that ugly mixture of milk and root beer. The name eludes me. Jungle Juice? |
Dave Foster, OBHS class of 1960 |
Ah yes, Swamp Water for those with more refined tastes! I think it was 50% root beer and 50% orange. The A&W was a great place to congregate with friends, although the carhops did their futile best to confine us to our cars. |
Gary Wilcox, OBHS class of 1960 |
The old A&W lasted until 1991 when Payless Gas did a land lease with plans to redevelop the whole block. They only redeveloped the A&W half with an office block and left the old Gulf gas station. Payless was bought by Shell who are in the process of remediating the gas site and are planning to build a Tim Horton's. I wonder if it will be a drive in. |
Bryan Bradbury, OBHS class of 1960 |
So many wonderful memories of the A & W on Oak Bay Avenue! I worked there as a carhop in 1964 which is the year of the photo at the beginning of this section. I swear that the pickup truck in the right of the photo must be John Leonard's as he parked there every time he came in as I remember. And, that parking lot.....what a lot of pavement to sweep! Lots of fun for a 17 year old just about to enter grade 12 at OBHS. |
Patricia Korbin (Mooney), OBHS class of 1965 |
My friend Dave Otto and I worked there, I’m going to say early '60 to '68. Both of us worked the front end, then flip’n burgers in the back end. |
Great times and awesome memories!! |
Bob Tweed, OBHS class of 1968 |
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